Regency Valentines: Around the Worldly, Wide Web

Checking in to my twitter feed, I noticed two wonderful posts in honor of today’s holiday and connections to the Regency World. Impulsive Hearts compiled a wonderful round up of posts about Valentine’s Day in the Regency era.  History buffs will love the assortment of facts and opinions on love’s most popular holiday.

Two Nerdy History Girls featured a letter from the Gentleman’s Magazine of 1805 about the dangers of Valentine’s cards.

I love this: “As the 14th of [this] month is a day anxiously looked for by the youth of both sexes, in the expectation of exercising their ingenuity in forming those amorous billets denominated “valentines,” I beg leave, through the channel of your Magazine, to offer a few suggestions to parents and guardians on the subject of these productions.”

Click on the links to read up!

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