Regency Reader New Year’s Resolutions

Having successfully kept several New Year’s resolutions over the past several years I decided to share with you some tips and my blog-related resolutions to keep me accountable.

For 2013, here are my resolutions.  The trick, I have learned, is to keep them simple, attainable, and full of rewards for successful completion.

1.  Read more.  Dedicate at least a half an hour a day to reading, for pleasure, for work, and for fun.  With my Nook (I have the basic black and white one which I love and is now $79!) there is no reason I can’t schlep it to the gym, in my bag for waiting in line, or to work for lunch break.

2.  Spend at least an hour updating my social media a week, including scouring Good Reads for new books!  I know this will help me save time with resolution #1 and keep me in tune with what other Reg Readers are wanting the scoop on.

3.  Open call for guest posters.  Share the love (and the load) by inviting other Regency Readers to review their favorite reads.  (If you are interested contact me at romanceanne at yahoo dot com).

4.  More giveaways and goodies for all my wonderful Readers.  I know lots of other blogs give away tons of swag, and who doesn’t heart free stuff?  I know I do!

There you have it, four easily attainable and rewarding resolutions that I aim to keep.  In several months, a self-audit will help to keep me on track.  In the meantime, I know the first step to success is organization…so off to make a calendar!  After I have made my list part of the routine, (and therefore cutting the elephant down to bites), the next step is to do.

Need some inspiration?  Check out this resolution generator.


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