Regency Fashion: Full and Walking Dresses (1805)

Cabinet of Fashion WITH ELEGANT COLOURED PLATES WALKING DRESSES Fig 1 A round Dress of plain Muslin A Pelisse of pale Blue Muslin trimined with White Lace Mob Cap of worked Muslin Buff Gloves ANII A Fig 2 A Walking Dress of Cambric Myslin A Shawl of worked Lace with an Embroidered Border White Beaver Hat and White Ostrich Feather FULL DRESS Head fashionably Dressed ornamented with a White Floss Feather and Silver Leaves Dress of Primrose Crape Sleeves embroidered with Silver White Gloves and Fan

Designs and descriptions appeared in the September 1805 issue of The Lady’s Monthly Museum.

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3 Responses to Regency Fashion: Full and Walking Dresses (1805)

  1. Michelle H says:

    The illustrations from ladies magazines of the Regency era always fascinate me, for multiple reasons. The fashions are always fun to look at and think of how they would look translated into actual clothing made now even with the most historically accurate fabrics.

    I often wish I could listen in on some conversations between ladies shopping for new styles. Since you are familiar with so much Regency history, I wonder if you have come across the kind of things l am wondering about. What features were women looking for in the sense of body consciousness? So many of these sketches show teeny skinny flat feet in their not-very-memorable shoes. Was that just an indication that the establishment advertising them weren’t selling shoes? Were big beefy arms in fashion? Were really small heads considered dainty or lady like? I’ve got other observations to make but I’ll reserve those for another time. Of course I realize the artists must have to churn these out in a great volume, so they cannot produce a work of art each week or month for every sketch.

    • Anne says:

      Wonderful questions, Michelle!

      I think I have some tidbits saved here and there. I am going to gather them up and do a Regency Reader Questions post about it, so keep a look out in the next week or so.

      Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and questions!