Erica Ridley: Nobody’s Princess

CW: grief/parental death, abandonment, family conflict Graham is obsessed with royalty, and Kuni is obsessed with becoming a Royal Guard for the princess she has Continue

Kasey Michaels: The Belligerent Miss Boynton

CW: Grief, violence, threats of SA, murderous plots, death in childbirth, debt, child abuse Miss Boynton is set on ruining herself so that she can Continue

Sabrina Jeffries: A Duke for Diana

CW: Suicide, grief, loss of parent, divorce, narc family members It has been a while since I have read Sabrina Jeffries, or at least reviewed Continue

Shruti Rao: A Wife for the Devil

CW: Hunting, death, assault, mental illness, racism Elizabeth is at her cousin’s beck and call, serving at her whims in order to safeguard her mother’s Continue